I'm a houseplant fanatic. Ever since I was young I've had plants and now I have loads of them in every room in the house. They are like growing sculptures that you can nurture. So naturally I've been thinking about which plants I could have in my refurbished workshop to make it feel more welcoming. Then I realised that it might be tricky as the heating isn't on all the time and the temperature will plummet at night. Also there's not much available shelf space for plants. Inspired by Japanese garden designer Kazuyuki Ishihara's Chelsea 2014 gold medal show garden (see below) I decided to try a moss wall effect.
I already had some reindeer moss and some faux moss balls which I had been using for my jewellery display (both sourced from Amazon see link below). I also had an Ikea Ribba frame which had the glass missing. After playing around with how to arrange the elements in the frame I used a hot glue gun to fix everything in place. Voila! I'd love to know what you think so please comment below.

I have a feeling that I will be making a few more of these as one just doesn't feel enough! If you want to have a go then here is where you can source the materials:
Moss balls: https://amzn.to/3uGNbOK
Reindeer Moss: https://amzn.to/3kzlzq1
Picture Frame: https://bit.ly/2Pduhi2
Hot Glue Gun: https://amzn.to/3pY81Wg
I would love to see what you create so don't hesitate to send me a photo or tag me on social media.